Sangeeta's Race
IPE Global
2019 | 5mins 15secs
The film is part of a collection of six media products for the RANI Project, produced by IPE Global and supported by The George Washington University. A three part fictional series regarding the promotion of IFA tablets for women in reproductive age (WRA - 15 to 49 years) was made in a simple, informative and fun way. It is centred around two main characters, Rani and Sagaw. RANI represents the project ‘Reduction in Anemia through Normative Innovations’ and Sagaw, the name came from Saag/Spinach which is supposed to be a good source of iron. In the 3-part series, Rani and Sagaw help WRA to get the right answers to their doubts, myths, and confusions regarding the IFA tablets with the help of an ASHA worker. Sangeeta’s Race targets adolescent girls.