Established in 2002 and based in New Delhi, India, Dusty Foot Productions represents a team of committed documentary filmmakers who share a common vision – of establishing an organisation that is recognized for high quality films, communication strategy, education and outreach work on wildlife, environment and social issues. This vision stems from not only being inspired filmmakers but as individuals who love nature and are deeply concerned about its future.
At Dusty Foot, our endeavor is to incorporate this commitment into mainstream media with the objective to bring out a balanced approach and focus on solutions that exist or are being attempted. The belief in video as a strong tool of change has translated into producing strong impactful films and developing communication strategies and environmental outreach programs across rural and urban landscapes of India. DFP’s work has been recognised through several awards, including the prestigious Panda award at the Wildscreen Festival, 2010 in the UK for The Wild Meat Trail - a film on wildlife hunting and changing attitudes.
An important landmark in DFP’s journey has been the setting up of Green Hub in 2014, in northeast India. The prime objective is to engage and empower youth in conservation education, action, climate sustainability and social change through the visual medium, and create a digital resource bank for wildlife, environment and indigenous knowledge. The work is now being taken forward by DFP’s not-for-profit organization, Dusty Foot Foundation (DFF) under which Green Hub Central has been started in Bhopal in 2021.
Besides long-term projects, the Dusty Foot team also takes on technical assignments in camera, editing, design, project management and campaign development - both as individual professionals and as a team.