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DFP designs and implements communication strategies and tools across a diverse range of issues
Theme Song
As part of the four month SECURE Himalaya Youth Video Fellowship Programme in 2020, Randev Chauhan, a 24 year old from Gangaar village, video documented the traditional culture and practices of Gangaar, a part of high altitude Western Himalayan Region in Uttarkashi District, Uttarakhand.
Hindi | 3mins 51secs
Jitu Srivastav - Young Traditional Healer
Made for the State Medicinal Plant Board, Chhattisgarh, the film documents the journey of Jitu Srivastav, a young traditional healer in Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh and her significant achievements.
Hindi & English | 5mins 19secs
MPCA Marwahi
As part of the four month SECURE Himalaya Youth Video Fellowship Programme in 2020, Kavindra Singh Kutiyal, a 22 year old from Kuti Village, video documented the lifestyle of Chaudas patti, a part of high altitude Western Himalayan Region, Pithoragarh District, Uttarakhand.
Hindi & English | 8mins 01secs
Made for the State Medicinal Plant Board, Chhattisgarh, the film takes us through the process of making ‘Akvan’ (calotropis trotera) paste. Vaidya Shiv Prakash Kashyap highlights the qualities, properties and healing powers of akvan which is effective in treating cancer, epilepsy, spasms, dog bites, etc.
Hindi & English | 3mins 31secs
Hathjodi & Dho Dho
Made for the State Medicinal Plant Board, Chhattisgarh, in this film, Machhri, a local healer, takes us through the process of making ayurvedic medicines from ‘Hathjodi’ (Equisetum Diffusum) and ‘Dho Dho’ (Amtelocissus Latifolia). Treating people for almost 41 years, he specialises in broken bones and nerve problems.
Hindi | 4mins 02secs
Made for the State Medicinal Plant Board, Chhattisgarh, in this film, Vaidya Awdesh Kumar Kashyap takes us through the process of making ayurvedic medicine from the ‘palash’ (butea monosperma) flower for the treatment of diabetes, asthma, piles and arthritis.
Hindi & English | 2mins 24secs
Kalmegh, Giloy & Aloe Vera
Made for the State Medicinal Plant Board, Chhattisgarh, in this film, Vaidya Sarojini Goyal introduces the process of making ayurvedic medicines from ‘Kalmegh, Giloy, Haldi and Ghreetkumari’ (Andrographis paniculata, Tinospora cordifolia, Turmeric and Aloe vera) to treat cold and fever, blood sugar, boils, wounds, itching, etc. She also discusses the significance of medicinal plants in the Adivasi community.
Hindi & English | 3mins 38secs
Made for the State Medicinal Plant Board, Chhattisgarh, in this film, Vaidya Lomas Kumar Bach takes us through the process of making massage oil from ‘Dhatura’ (Dhatura alba L.) for joint aches and pains. He believes in the presence of divine power in all medicinal plants.
Hindi | 5mins 01secs
Hathjod & Jata Shankar
Made for the State Medicinal Plant Board, Chhattisgarh, in this film, Vaidya Tribhuvan Singh takes us through the process of making ayurvedic medicines from ‘Hathjod’ (Cisus Quadrangularis L.) and ‘Jata Shankar’ (Dioscorea bulbifera L.) to treat broken bones, body aches and pains.
Hindi | 4mins 11secs
A series of short films were made for the State Medicinal Plant Board, Chhattisgarh to document the healing powers of various medicinal plants. Traditional healers or Vaids took the viewer through the process of using various medicinal plants and their properties in healing ailments. These films were also used for community screenings to engage the stakeholders and encourage dialogue.
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